BRIEFcase Program
The MHC Business Relocation Incentive and Expansion Fund (BRIEF) offers incentives to small businesses from other areas wanting to relocate or expand to Martinsville-Henry County. If your business is ready to grow in MHC, please submit your interest by filling out the BRIEFcase Program interest form9.
Technology Zone Program
Provides local incentives to technology business that invest and create jobs in Henry County.
Martinsville-Henry County EDC Tourism Marketing Grant
Matching grant funds allocated to assist the local tourism industry with marketing needs. www.visitmartinsville.com10
City of Martinsville Micro Loan Program
The City of Martinsville is proud to be one of the micro loan programs available in Virginia. The low cost micro loan program is available to businesses in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) project area.
M-HC Chamber's Partnership for Economic Growth (CPEG) Grant
Funds allocated for businesses to improve the façade, create jobs, or train current workforce.
Martinsville Uptown Façade
Martinsville Uptown provides a matching grant of up to $4,000 to help businesses in uptown improve their building facades.
Enterprise Zone
Provides state and local incentives to businesses that invest and create jobs in Martinsville-Henry County.
Virginia Workforce Center
Offers workforce solutions to save employers time and money.
Virginia Jobs Investment Program (VJIP)
Helps offset recruiting and training costs incurred by companies that are either creating new jobs or implementing technological upgrades.